WOW! My media class was assigned a project that was truly fun! A definite needed break from the other, less interesting projects being assigned in my other classes :)
For the One Word Film project, I worked with a student and friend named Annie to visually show our assigned word "threatening" through a short film. We started this project by brainstorming ideas on the "One Word Film" Brainstorming sheet to start developing our shot list and think about some editing techniques, which gave us a reference of what we needed when we were filming to be able to create our piece.
Our filming location was mostly the school courtyard, using a tripod given to us from our teacher to get steady shots. We vlogged the entire filming process to share with our friends, they all wished they could be in the class! This location had a number of interesting backdrops and natural lighting that helped our story.
This is my favorite pictures from one of the scenes that we filmed!!
For editing, we used iMovie, where we both individually pieced together and cut the videos to make our own versions of the story. I added filters to show when the scenes were a flashbacks, as well as adding brightness and transitions. Overall, I thought our film achieved conveying the intended emotions and story of the word "threatening" through thoughtful camera angles and sound. Nevertheless, for the future projects, I want to improve our pacing of the edits.
You can see our final film here: OWF_FREY