IM BACK AGAIN with another scintillating post. I was tasked with watching 3 film openings within the scope of the genre me and my partner, Adrianna, have decided to focus our final project on: psychological drama, romance. I researched the genre and found 3 perfect examples of the type of movie we are trying to create an opening for. I watched the openings and noted down the best techniques that I felt really established the vibe the genre calls for.
The first movie opening I watched was from the movie ghost, In the opening of Ghost, Sam (Patrick Swayze) and Molly (Demi Moore) are introduced as a loving couple that we are rooting for. Sams death created a shift in tone as their playful and loving moments before created a calm vibe that his sudden death completely changed. The shift from romance to tragedy allowed the film to delve into the idea that love can transcend death and introduced us to the psychological underscore of grief and connection while Sam, as a ghost, protects molly the basic romantic ideas of love and loss. The filmmakers use close-ups of Sam’s confused face, some slow-motion shots, and even changes in lighting to show the sudden shift from love to loss after setting up the idea of this loving and light hearted tone but making it all come crashing down with the scenes of him dying during a robbery, are all techniques I would use as it’s a great way to set up the psychological drama — you’re not just mourning Sam’s death, but you’re about to dive into this whole other world where love stretches beyond the physical.
The Invisible Man begins with an intense, subdued escape scene of Cecilia going out of the house in the dead of the night to get away from her abusive partner, Adrian. Filmmakers amplified the tension of the opening by stripping much of the noise, it allowed us to hear the Quiter sounds that are normally not paid attention to like the creaks of the floorboards, or Cecilias breathing, it all made everything feel so intimate and personal. Another opening technique that I thought really created tension was the close-ups of her face that clearly expressed fear, making you feel right in her shoes. These techniques all set up the psychological drama aspect of the movie very nicely and are things I would consider using.
The beginning of Sleeping with the Enemy is just so intense: Laura, played by Julia Roberts, is faking her own death to escape from her abusive husband martin. She's hurrying to set up everything, you honestly just feel so anxious. The filmmakers use tight shots and dramatic lighting to make the whole scene claustrophobic as though you're with her trying to escape. We understand the danger she is in because the filmmakers cut between her cautious behavior and his dominating one the whole sequence sets the tone for the psychological drama and are techniques that would be helpful in creating the understanding of the type of danger the protagonist of the abusive relationship in my opening, is actually in .
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