Transitioning into the Cambridge Portfolio Project!
Hellooo to my fans at Cambridge! I am pleased to announce that moving forward all my blog posts will focus on the completion of my Aice media studies final project component. Previously, my posts have been about projects I have participated in to develop the skills that my final project requires me to utilize, but now they will be about how I am using them to develop a successful piece.
This transition began in class where we went through a thirty slide Nearpod and learnt about film openings and how they are used to establish context, develop characters, and ultimately develop a purpose, we wrote notes and then we were then briefed about what our projects required of us and tasked with thinking about what we wanted to do for it.
During this period of time, I was changing my schedule so I moved from my AICE media teacher, Mrs. Stoklosa's, fifth period class to her first so I wasn't exactly sure of who I would work with, but after talking to some of my new classmates, I decided to partner up with Adrianna. after many conversations I felt we had a similar work ethic and ideas, and I knew we could produce a masterpiece that would dazzle all of you across the Atlantic :)))
Adrianna and I decided that we wanted to use this opening to establish a storyline that the rest of the hypothetical movie would develop, we also wanted to highlight certain issues in need of more representation, so we thought it over a lot and decided...
Read the next post to learn more about our project
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