Monday, February 10, 2025

Let's talk!

        Group meeting 1

   Hello friends at Cambridge! I have to say today's class was so fun!! I don't know that many of my peers as I have just switched into the class and I haven't had the chance to talk to that many people, but this was the perfect opportunity to talk to new people. We came into class and found that each of us were placed in different groups, and we were then briefed about what we had to do. We were told that we needed to share our blogs with each other and give constructive feedback on the content and discuss our project ideas to gain an outsider's perspective of what we are planning on doing to help further our plans and take our opening to the next level.

    Noah, Fatima, Anish, Julien and I, were all placed in the same group by our teacher. We came together and shared the links to our blogs on a word document to make accessing our work easier, we skimmed over each blog and gave constructive criticism - I told Julien that he forgot to do the 4th required blog post from last week and Fatima told me that I needed to work on the layout of my blog as I usually write my blog posts on a word document and copy it into blogger which makes the text become highlighted- we discussed our openings and what vibes we wanted to exert which was interesting as each of us had different ideas and genres; Noah decided that his opening was going to be a horror/ thriller, Julians and Anish, who are working together, decided on a legal thriller but they weren't exactly sure if that's what they wanted to do so we helped them come up with the idea of their main character playing a video game and then waking up in the game, and Fatima told us she wanted to produce a drama, her opening would focus on a girl whose family is not very present and whose friends leave her out causing her to feel upset and lonely the opening would lead into the main plot line of her suicide. 

We discussed the techniques we found in other movie openings in our genre that we would like to replicate, Fatima explained that she is going to use many extreme longshots to emphasize her protagonist's loneliness and isolation, Noah wants to use lighting to convey the emotions of his piece, and Julien and Anish want to use music to their advantage to emphasize the tone.

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